On Thursday, June,9 a group of 32 Taxi Drives & Staff from the TPV Airport Transportation Company volunteered to help and collected 25 bags or about 3 tons of trash from Rio Camarones that parallels Ave.Libramiento. Thanks to these volunteers,all this trash is now not going into our ocean and beaches. We also cleaned 8 bags of trash from a vacant lot located just one block from the Coppel Store near Plaza Las Glorias.The clean up began at 8 am & conclude at 11 am.
The campaign slogan is:
"It's the responsibility of everyone to keep our planet clean,no matter where you live or what country you're from"
If you'd like to be a future volunteer,please call John Benus,Director & Campaign Coordinator of the "War Against Trash" or" Guerra Contra La Basura" Whats App in Mexico is 388-105-0786 or call 415-331-0100 in US & Canada.