
CONAFOR Invites Youth from Rural Areas to Forest Education and Training Centers

CONAFOR Invites Youth from Rural Areas to Forest Education and Training Centers

The National Forestry Commission (Conafor) invites young people from ejidos and rural communities who have completed secondary education, and have interest in the forestry sector,

to register and take the entrance exam for one of the four Forestry Education and Training Centers (CECFOR).

These schools located in Oaxaca, Coahuila, Veracruz, and Michoacán offer a technical forestry career education.

Applicants must be of Mexican nationality, be minors, be in good health, certify that they finished high school, and submit the complete application at Conafor's Forestry Development Promotions.


After that, the young people must present and pass the admission exam that will take place on June 11th in the Promotories of each entity, that is in the offices of CONAFOR listed in the link below, and on the 12th the exam will be assigned to the campuses of each CECFOR. These registrations will be for the 2021-2022 school year, and classes will begin in the month of August. 

Once these young people accredit the school plan, they will be issued a Certificate of Completion of studies, and to obtain the title of Forest Technician they must complete a social service of 480 hours. 

As a form of support, Conafor offers, according to availability, boarding service for those who come from other states or far away places. Also some of them can benefit from scholarships to cover their expenses. These two points are in order to reduce school dropouts.

Currently, the population between the four campuses is approximately 480 students served by 89 teachers. 

The CECFORs are centers administered by Conafor, and their mission is to train these young people to be pioneers in their own communities on issues such as the use, protection, and proper management of their natural resources. 

The foregoing is in order for this knowledge to encourage young people to be factors of change in their own communities, promoting the participation of all members working together with those who own forest lands, and to be able to identify growth opportunities with friendly economic activities befefitting the environment and promoting social development.

directory of CONAFOR offices

more info (intended for 2020-21)

