
On This World Day of Sexual Health; Digital Space Changes Sexual Expression

On This World Day of Sexual Health; Digital Space Changes Sexual Expression

Sexuality is a fundamental expression in the life of human beings, which is influenced by the quality of interpersonal relationships, the sociocultural context, and personal experiences.

One of these factors is digital space, said Maricela Sánchez Eguiarte, coordinator of the Prevention Sub-council of the State Council for the Prevention of AIDS in Jalisco (COESIDA.)

By participating in a press conference held yesterday, regarding the World Day of Sexual Health that is commemorated today, September 4, the official exhibited that since 2014, in Jalisco the same date was also established as the State Day of Sexual Health, on the initiative of COESIDA, to promote mechanisms and actions that promote sexuality to be exercised in a healthy way.

The Jalisco Health Secretariat (SSJ) and COESIDA join the double commemoration, this year under the slogan Sexual Health in the Digital World; a slogan that allows to ignite the awareness of the broad concept which is sexual health.

“Technological advances have generated changes in an accelerated way in the way of life of a person, from their way of expressing themselves and communicating to the way of behaving and relating to others. It is very evident how technological devices have infiltrated the daily lives of individuals until they become something essential and indispensable (including) the internet, social networks, applications, among many other platforms,” the coordinator listed.

Sánchez Eguiarte highlighted that this and other issues are addressed in this commemoration. In addition, the Mesa de Trabajo de Salud y Educación Integral de la Sexualidad (SEIS,) made up of various governmental, academic, and civil society bodies, promotes the recognition of sexual and reproductive rights among the population.

For her part, Martha Arias Novoa, head of the Department of Reproductive Health of the OPD Jalisco Health Services, stated that the exercise of sexual rights requires being informed and specific attention in this time of pandemic.

In the Jalisco Health Services, a healthy sexual life is promoted, with information and access to methods of family planning and expression of sexuality. These actions focus on all population groups, with emphasis on adolescents, operating 221 “Friendly Services.”

The “Friendly Services” are spaces where adolescents can go to receive information about sexual health and where "they will be attended by professional health personnel with whom they could speak freely, since everything is confidential," said the head of Reproductive Health.

Likewise, she invited the young people to get to know the page “Escoge Cuidarte,”

where they will find adequate information on dating, pregnancy, contraceptive methods and types of violence, among others.


Arias Novoa reported that since June 1 of this year there is a Specific Services Module for Women with High Reproductive Risk, located in the Hospital General de Occidente in Zapopan, which provides advice and methods of Family Planning .

She announced that as of October 01, Contraception and Family Planning Services will be offered by Telemedicine, in order to reduce the barriers to access to Health Centers that the population faces today.

Raúl Villaroel Cruz, coordinator of the Sexual Medicine Unit of the HGO emphasized in his intervention that the expression of sexuality should be a positive experience, so it is necessary to be adequately informed by health professionals to exercise a sexual life pleasant and with responsibility.

"Jalisco is the spearhead in matters of sexuality, in 2019 a document is decreed in Mexico that talks about the vindication of pleasure and the impact that pleasure or displeasure can have on health in general from the immune system, emotional instability, and even psychiatric care,” informed the specialist.

The Sexual Medicine Unit of the HGO began functions in January 2019 with the following services:

Counseling and orientation in matters of sexuality for adolescents and for their fathers, mothers or caregivers.

Attention to erotic life dysfunctions.

Counseling for a healthy and fulfilling sexual life.

Sexological consultation in the gender-gender reassignment process.

Couples therapy.

Genetics and Sexuality.

Consultation is currently granted from Monday to Thursday in the morning shift.


Department of Reproductive Health of the OPD Jalisco Health Services; Telephone 33 3030 5000 extension 35203

Planificatel; Telephone 800 624 64 64

HGO Sexual Medicine Unit; Telephone 33 3030 6300 extension 6141

Coesida Jalisco; Telephone 33 3030 7800 @COESIDAJalisco.

Or choose to take care of yourself


"Escoge Cuidarte" Module Opened in Benito Jaurez Stadium

