State institutions present a program of activities including free mammograms and information days during October.
Marking the occasion of the International Day to Fight Breast Cancer, which is commemorated on October 19, and throughout the month of October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Health Sector in Jalisco announces the intensification of actions to reduce the impact of this disease, which is the leading cause of death in women due to malignant tumor in Mexico.
In a virtual press conference, representatives of various health institutions presented the program of activities to be developed and called on the general population to join this great crusade for prevention and timely diagnosis.
The Secretary of Health of the State of Jalisco, Fernando Petersen Aranguren, stressed that it is one of the most sensitive public health issues, a great challenge that requires more alliances to face it.
“Breast cancer shows a constant increase worldwide and represents 15% of all female cancers. In Mexico, since 2006 it occupies the first place for cause among malignant tumors in women, surpassing cervical cancer. In Jalisco this fact has been registered since 2002,” he explained.
Likewise, the head of the Ministry of Health mentioned that, in Mexico, it is the leading cause of death from cancer disease in the female population over 25 years of age. In Jalisco during 2020, 597 deaths were reported from this cause, occupying the 12th national place with respect to mortality, with a rate of 14.05 per 100,000 inhabitants.
"We are obliged to intensify actions to reverse this fact. We know that cancer is preventable if it is detected early, hence from the earliest ages we must promote preventive actions, breast self-examination on a monthly basis, clinical examination in annual form, and the taking of mammography in the groups of 40 to 69 years of age,” specified the official.
Petersen Aranguren pointed out that due to the pandemic in 2020, screening actions decreased throughout the country and in the world, and Jalisco was no exception. However, the service has not stopped and efforts have been redoubled. Until June 2021, more than 50,000 mammograms had been performed throughout the sector.
The Secretary of Health listed some awareness-raising activities and among the available services, he highlighted the digital platform, which allows locating the mastgrapher closest to home, making appointments and consulting study results in a period of no more than 14 days. " By promoting monthly self-examination, periodic check-ups and screening, cancer can be detected early," he emphasized.
José de Jesús Méndez de Lira, general director of the Jalisco Health Services OPD, during his speech highlighted that breast cancer prevention and detection actions are carried out throughout the year, but intensify this month, with a call for Jaliscans to go to the health units.
“In Mexico, the percentage of women who undergo a study is less than what we need. Out of every ten women who undergo screening, six are in the late stage, which implies complications and decreased survival. Detecting cancer in the early stages can be the difference between life and death. It is important that, from the age of 25, you go to your medical check-up at least once a year so that trained personnel perform a breast examination, and from the age of 40 it is important to have a mammogram every two years,” said the manager.
José Enrique Cabrales Vázquez, director of the Jalisco Institute of Cancerology (IJC,) indicated that during 2019 452 new cases of breast cancer were registered in this hospital; 478 in 2020, and until August 2021 there are 356 new patients diagnosed with the disease.
"Currently it is estimated that between 22 to 30 women die per day in the country, the most severe of all this is that it is in an age range between 30 and 54 years of age, with a higher incidence. We could detect lesions with mammography when it is not possible to even palpate it or visualize any change with the naked eye, for this reason the insistence is to go for a mammogram, since mortality could be reduced in an estimated way up to 30% due to breast cancer,” informed the specialist.
During 2020, the IJC acquired a state-of-the-art digital mastgraph, which has allowed earlier and faster detection of tumors. This month complementary tomosynthesis equipment will be released, which allows obtaining three-dimensional images with low radiation doses, improving detection in dense breasts and performing biopsies with minimal invasion and with greater precision, avoiding unnecessary surgeries.
"We are pleased to inform that in a short time we will have new radiotherapy equipment, a latest generation linear accelerator, which will be the top of the range, which will allow us to have the radiant treatment of all patients with all malignant neoplastic pathologies," reported the director of the IJC.
Adriana Michelle Reveles, head of the Medical Benefits of IMSS Jalisco, on behalf of the delegate, Edith Bermúdez Alonzo, said that the institution will seek to influence modifiable risk factors, among which are the lifestyles to avoid overweight, obesity, and to avoid smoking and promote breastfeeding, considered an important factor for the prevention of breast cancer.
"We have strategies for the prevention and timely detection of breast cancer through the promotion of clinical self-examination of the breast in women and men, through the 114 family medicine units from the age of 18," she reported.
The official called on women in the 40 to 49-year-old group to come to the units or through digital tools such as online check-in to have their examination performed.
Finally, Miriam Eugenia Rubio Robles, director of the Valentín Gómez Farías Regional Hospital, on behalf of the ISSSTE Jalisco subdelegate Alan Solano, pointed out that fighting breast cancer is to raise awareness, prevent, and detect. "We will be able to have mastgraphers, we will be able to have all the necessary equipment for their care, the main basis of all this is that it is detected in time and we are going to do it by examining ourselves."
Activities by institution during the month of October 2021:
Invitation to the 125 city councils to illuminate all government buildings in pink during the month of October.
Panel "How to Survive Breast Cancer," through social networks with specialists from all over the Health Sector and breast cancer survivors on October 13 at 5:00 p.m.
Interviews in the press, radio, and television with specialists oncologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, and psychologists from the different institutions of the Health Sector.Dissemination campaign # ContraelCáncerYoActúo
OPD Jalisco Health Services
Intensify prevention and screening with mammograms in the units.
Dissemination of mammography screening to women between 40 and 69 years of age, with appointments through the website
October Women's Month Campaign in the 114 Family Medicine Units to sensitize beneficiaries about modifiable risk factors.
Intensify the promotion of clinical breast self-examination in men and women from 18 years of age.
Promote the “Check Online” tool through the institution's social networks.
Promote mammograms.
Display in all medical units a pink bow to raise awareness.
Attention by appointment to the PREVENIMSSS can be requested at the number 800 681 2525, business days from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., or go to your Family Medicine Unit so that they can guide you where and when your mammogram can be performed.
Intensify self-exploration in clinics located in the state.
Intensify mammograms in eligible women.
Grant 500 free mammograms through official networks of the institution.
Dissemination of the campaign “Amor Propio Es,” to raise awareness about the importance of early breast detection.
Disseminate information capsules on the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and psychological support of breast cancer through social networks.